Monday, June 10, 2013

Technology Magazine

Technology Magazine

Mark Cuban funds SMU biomechanics study targeting flopping in basketball

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 07:14 PM PDT

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is funding a biomechanics study of flopping on the baske...

Mark Cuban, billionaire entrepreneur and outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks NBA team, has awarded Southern Methodist University (SMU) Associate Professor Peter G. Weyand a grant of over US$100,000 to carry out an 18-month biomechanics study of flopping on the basketball court. The study is aimed at determining if video or other records of the on court action can be used to distinguish between a player going down as a result of a a collision or whether they are taking a dive. .. Continue Reading Mark Cuban funds SMU biomechanics study targeting flopping in basketball

Section: Sports

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"Houston, we don't have a problem" – Zero-gravity 3D printing heads for space

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 05:26 PM PDT

Made in Space was first tested aboard a cargo plane using parabolic flights to achieve zer...

Imagine the first manned mission to Mars is three months out from Earth when a one-of-a-kind vital component fails. Today, such an accident would mean a choice between desperate invention and death, but it may not be too long before astronauts will just download a file and print out any part as needed. Turning such a potential drama into a simple task is the goal of NASA and Made in Space Inc., whose plan is to send a 3D printer to the International Space Station (ISS) next year as part of demonstration to show the potential of the technology... Continue Reading "Houston, we don't have a problem" – Zero-gravity 3D printing heads for space

Section: Space

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Spinpod rotates your smartphone when the panoramic urge strikes

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 05:03 PM PDT

The Spinpod motion control unit is currently vying for funding on Kickstarter

The continuous panorama function on digital cameras and smartphones can create stunning photographs in the right hands. But, to get that shot just right, those hands need to be steady. The Spinpod is a portable motion control unit which is designed to make creating panoramas easier, while removing the need for you to spin on the spot... Continue Reading Spinpod rotates your smartphone when the panoramic urge strikes

Section: Digital Cameras

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Clipless attaches your iPhone directly to your clothes

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 08:53 AM PDT

Clipless is strong enough to be used at the gym

A company known as They Innovate has designed Clipless, a mounting device that fastens a smartphone to almost any place imaginable. A wall, clothing, car dashboards, and essentially anything with a moderately flat surface will work with it, according to the creators... Continue Reading Clipless attaches your iPhone directly to your clothes

Section: Mobile Technology

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