Sunday, June 9, 2013

News Tech Today

News Tech Today

Alphabet Soup 2.0 Is GR8

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 08:58 PM PDT


Childhood flashback food alphabet soup made lunch a tasty game. In this Sunday Comic, Maria Scrivan updates the soup for the Web 2.0 generation

Mmmm — TTYL, time 4 soup.

Comic written and illustrated by Maria Scrivan. Published with permission; all rights reserved. Read more...

More about Comics, Humor, Watercooler, and Sunday Comics

15 Cats Who Don't Want to Go to Work Tomorrow

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 08:28 PM PDT


When it comes to cats, you might think they have a plush life. Sleeping. Eating. Playing in boxes. Taking up skateboarding on the side. Having a lot of emotions. Biding their time until they're made into weird GIFs or awesome memes.

But professional adorability can take its toll, and even kitties sometimes feel the drag of waking up and heading to work the next day

If you're less than enthused about starting your 9-to-5 routine tomorrow, commiserate with these kitties — they feel your pain.

1. I'm not a morning person.

Image courtesy of Flickr, Tomi Tapio K

More about Pics, Cats, Cute Animals, Watercooler, and Lists

10 Tips for Company Color Schemes

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 07:45 PM PDT


A startup could offer the most innovative software, the most disruptive service, the greatest thing ever available for purchase in the history of commerce — but if the company color scheme is off-putting, its customers might decide to shop elsewhere

What color conveys about a brand is more complex than you think. To find out more, we asked a panel of successful young entrepreneurs to share their tips for picking the right palette for their demographic and product. Here's what they had to say.

1. Know Your Audience

Before choosing the color for a brand, it's critical to understand the demographics and psychographics of the intended audience. A 20-year-old, video game-playing male will generally react differently to colors than a 55-year-old mother Read more...

More about Features, Business, Design, Marketing, and Dev Design

25 New Script Libraries and Plugins on GitHub

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 07:03 PM PDT


Git is a powerful, open-source distributed version control system and social code repositoryGitHub is the world's largest open-source community, hosting millions of public repositories. Users add innovative new projects on a daily basis.

With the latest new Repos available to fork and explore, it can be difficult to stay updated. We'll cover 25 exciting new script libraries and plugins hosted on GitHub, ranging from image galleries to physics engines

Please note some of the GitHub resources reviewed may be slightly older in origin, but they have been recently updated, much improved upon or generally overlooked as resources really worth exploring Read more...

More about Features, Programming, Github, Coding, and Dev And Design

10 Things To Remember When Your Dad Asks For Tech Help

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 06:19 PM PDT


As Father's Day approaches, it's time to bring out all your best dad stories. The time your dad built you a swing set, the time he took you to Disney World, the time — just yesterday — when he sent you an email asking how to make a smiley face with his keyboard.

Explaining Outlook every day gets old pretty quickly, but it's important to remember that teaching you how to tie your shoes was just as repetitive. Our dads have given us a lot, so the least we can give them is an iTunes tutorial

So when your dad is calling you at work to ask how to send a text for the 10th time...

Image courtesy of Tumblr, lupiegifs

More about Father S Day, Dads, Humor, Watercooler, and Family Parenting

What Did the NSA Find Through the Internet?

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 05:31 PM PDT


Mashable NSA Comic

The facts about the secret NSA surveillance program, known as PRISM, remain hazy. Did Internet companies like Google and Facebook give the U.S. government direct access to their servers, and by extension, user data? Or did they merely comply with standard wiretap procedures?

If the NSA dug through your Facebook history, what might it find? Anything incriminating? Or just the useless slog that populates your news feed?

Comic illustration by Bob Al-Greene, Mashable

More about Comics, Humor, Prism, Us, and Watercooler

Real Google Interns: 'The Internship' Movie Kind of Nails It

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 04:46 PM PDT


How accurately does The Internship, which arrived in theaters this weekend, portray tech giant Google's environment and culture? We asked a real Google intern and a former intern-turned-full-timer just how well the Shawn Levy-directed movie depicts their employer.

Comedians Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, playing two laid-off salesmen who apply and get internships at Google, step into a world where their characters' digital skills are put to the test in mini challenges against their more tech-savvy and much younger fellow interns

"When they portray it as a Hunger Games-style competition, it's really the exact opposite feel," 23-year-old Kitt Vanderwater, who interned for two summers before Google hired her in 2012 as a software engineer, told Mashable. Read more...

More about Google, Films, Entertainment, Celebrities, and Internships

Top 20 Most Shocking Moments From 'Game of Thrones'

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 04:00 PM PDT


Audiences still haven't stopped buzzing about last week's Game of Thrones, which inspired Vine posts, comedy sketches and Twitter trends. The finale will air on Sunday, and fans are eagerly speculating about what the episode will hold

In honor of three seasons of plot twists, unexpected beheadings and epic slaps, we rounded up the top 20 Game of Thrones moments so far. Count down with us as we look back at everything that led up to season three's conclusion

Warning: spoilers and some NSFW content ahead.

20. Jon Snow Kills Qhorin Halfhand

game of thronesImage courtesy of mishacockins

Acting on his orders as a brother of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow killed his mentor in order to gain the trust of the Wildings. Read more...

More about Television, Got, Hbo, Entertainment, and Tv

Hands-On With the Week's Top Apps

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 03:24 PM PDT


Several interesting apps were released this week.

Disney released its own Draw Something competitor called Scribblemix that lets you trade drawings back and forth with friends. What's more, Facebook released a major update to Facebook Home, and Hulu put out a big update for the iPad.

Curious about how all these apps look?

Check out Mashable's hands-on video, above, featuring our favorite apps from this past week.

Did you find a new app that didn't make this list? Be sure to tell us about your top picks in the comments

Photo via iStockphoto, BlackRed

More about Apps, Android, App, Windows Phone, and Ios

Bag2Go Luggage Has GPS In Case Your Airline Loses It

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 02:30 PM PDT


Misplaced luggage is one of the most headache-inducing problems that can befall a weary traveler. Thanks to Airbus, however, tracking down your lost suitcases is about to get a whole lot easier.

European aircraft manufacturer Airbus recently unvealed the "Bag2Go," a so-called "smart bag" complete with GPS, RFID and 2G mobile data capabilities. The Bag2Go can even sync up with your iPhone, letting you track your bag's progress as it's loaded onto your flight.

The best part? Should your Bag2Go get somehow misplaced, the tracking tech makes it easy for it to be located. Read more...

More about Travel, Lifestyle, and Travel Leisure

16 Perfect-Loop Vine Posts

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 02:08 PM PDT


There's something uniquely satisfying about seeing a perfect loop on a Vine video

When the Vine artist can masterfully hide the start and end points of a 6-second animation, it's a surefire recipe for success — and a reliable way to get lots of love from fellow users. It's no easy feat to create the perfect loop. Though the hashtags #loop and #perfectloop suggest there are thousands out there, the reality is that only a handful of Vine creators have been able to master the cyclical Vine post.

We scoured though hundreds of Vine posts from some of our favorite Vine users to assemble this list of perfect-loop Vines Read more...

More about Twitter, Social Media, Vine, and Megalist

Superman's Gone Commercial

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 01:39 PM PDT


Superman's Gone Commercial, Jerry King

What if your favorite superhero chose to take brand endorsements?

In this Sunday comic, Superman decides to capitalize on saving the world over and over again. Does this change the plot of Man of Steel?

Comic written by Larry Lambert; illustrated by Jerry King. Read more...

More about Comic, Comics, Humor, Watercooler, and Superman

Game of Thrones: Cosplay Piano Edition

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 01:28 PM PDT


When last we posted about cosplay piano, it was Catwoman tickling the ivories. This time, Sonya Belousova dons more than one costume for a Game of Thrones extravaganza. I think they've outdone themselves — there's dragons.

Image courtesy YouTube, WorldOfHeroes

More about Entertainment, Tv, and Videos

13 Clichéd Photo Poses You're Totally Guilty of Doing

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 01:08 PM PDT


Looking cute in a photo can be tough

Sometimes, the waiter taking a picture of your birthday dinner is standing so close that you know you're about to look like a giantess. Or maybe you're stranded without a drink to hold onto, no pockets and no idea where to put your arms.

When faced with such obstacles, most of us think fast and pull out one of the old standbys. Sure, they're a little cliché. But when properly employed, they can look pretty darn good

Here's a roundup of the photo poses you're totally guilty of falling back on

1. The Skinny Arm

Image courtesy of Cat Rivera

More about Pics, Lists, Photography, and Watercooler

See Something, Say Nothing

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 12:51 PM PDT


In an early Tom Stoppard play called After Magritte, a family returns home after visiting an exhibit of paintings by the famous Belgian surrealist René Magritte. (You know: The guy who has it raining little men with bowler hats, or who gave us a pipe with the caption, “Ceci n’est pas une pipe,” and so on.) In the play, a policeman peering in the window watches as the family assembles into a bizarre tableau, reminiscent of a Magritte painting. The policeman understandably finds this suspicious. It turns out, though, that there is a perfectly logical explanation for everything. Moral (I suppose): Don’t jump to conclusions. Read more...

More about Us World, Politics, Us, and World

E3 2013: What to Expect

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 12:14 PM PDT


Right now, thousands of gaming industry executives, analysts and press are headed to Los Angeles to attend the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3 2013, the biggest American gaming trade show.

This year's E3 is going to be full of exciting announcements. We're only a few months away from the release of two new game consoles: the Sony PlayStation 4 and the Microsoft Xbox One. There also promises to be huge innovations in games, gaming technology and accessories on display at this year's E3

What can you expect to see announced this year? We've curated the highlights below, but be sure to stay tuned to Mashable all week long for breaking news, play-by-play of the bigger press conferences and hands-on with some exciting games. Read more...

More about Microsoft, Gaming, Warner Bros, Sony, and Electronic Arts

The Guardian's NSA Whistleblower Reveals Himself: Edward Snowden

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 12:07 PM PDT


The source for British newspaper The Guardian's recent groundbreaking reports on the National Security Agency's surveillance practices unexpected revealed himself Sunday as Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old Booz Allen Hamilton employee who's been working at the NSA for four years.

According to The Guardian, Snowden copied the last set of documents he intended to leak three weeks ago at his Hawaii office. He then requested a two-week leave of absence, told his girlfriend he had to leave and flew to Hong Kong, "because he believed that it was one of the few places in the world that both could and would resist the dictates of the US government." Read more...

More about Privacy, Us World, Politics, Us, and Nsa

'Falling Skies' Season Premiere Comes With Interactive Twitter War

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 11:34 AM PDT


The battle between extraterrestrials and humans in the alien-invasion TV thriller Falling Skies has seeped onto Twitter. As part of an interactive social TV campaign for Sunday's season 3 premiere, TNT is asking fans to pledge their allegiance — using hashtags — to either the Earth invaders (#aliens) or the human army (#resistance)

Participants will immediately be "drawn into the action" in graph novel-style artwork.

"This is either an illustrated portrait that features them in the world of the show, based on their Twitter profile image or an image they send, or an illustration that features their name on a character standing ready to fight with their chosen side," Lincoln Lopez, TNT's vice president of social media strategy and innovation, told Mashable. Read more...

More about Twitter, Entertainment, Tv, Art, and Social Tv

SoHo Gives a Glimpse of Retail's Future

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 11:16 AM PDT


Walk down Greene Street in Manhattan's SoHo district this week, and you'll get a glimpse of the retail store of the future — two of them, in fact.

At 131 Greene Street, online jewelry retailer BaubleBar has set up a pop-up shop replete with digital touchscreens and interactive displays. Open through August 13, shoppers can use in-store iPads to design and purchase jewelry personalized with their initials and other permutations. Interactive store displays, designed by Perch Interactive, use projections and sensors to serve up content when shoppers pick up individual pieces of jewelry on display. Visitors will also be encouraged to upload photos of themselves to the web via Olapic Read more...

More about Fashion, Ebay, New York City, Retail, and Accessories

Google Glass Just Wants to See Some Porn

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 10:44 AM PDT


Wherever new technology emerges, porn is soon to follow

Google Glass banned porn this week, just a day after the gadget's first nudie app debuted. But did anyone bother to ask Glass what it thought about the issue?

In this Sunday comic, our friends Nitrozac and Snaggy at The Joy of Tech imagine how Google Glass would respond to the ban.

Let's just hope not all wearable technology gives porn the boot — amirite, Glass?

Comic illustration provided by The Joy of Tech. Published with permission; all rights reserved. Read more...

More about Comics, Joy Of Tech, Gadgets, Watercooler, and Sunday Comics

Report: Google Close to Buying Waze for $1.3 Billion

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 10:18 AM PDT


The bidding war for crowdsourced navigation app Waze has reportedly been won by Google, which will pay "more than $1 billion" for the startup, according to Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz. Update: The newspaper later added that the deal will be worth $1.3 billion.

The deal hasn't been finalized yet, but according to the report, Google agreed not to lay off Waze workers at its development center in Israel, and will allow the company to continue its development in Israel "for at least three years."

According to the report, the conditions of the deal will keep Waze CEO Noam Bardin at the helm of the company, and Waze will retain its brand and won't be integrated into Google. Read more...

More about Business, Startups, Facebook, Apps Software, and Mobile

Shirtless Protester Disrupts French Open Final Match

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 09:40 AM PDT


A shirtless, flare-wielding protester wearing a mask jumped from the stands onto the court during Sunday's final match at the French Open. The match between Rafael Nadal and David Ferrer was delayed for several minutes as the protester was tackled and apprehended. Nadal later went on to defeat Ferrer 6-3, 6-2, 6-3, claiming his eighth French Open title.

Several other protesters at the event unfurled a banner earlier reading "Hollande Demission," a call for French President François Hollande to resign from office

According to the BBC, the protestors were angered over France's recent decision to legalize gay marriage. Protests and counter-protests have occurred across the country since the decision. The country's first gay marriage, held last month, required tight security in the face of potential violence. Read more...

More about France, Entertainment, World, Sports, and French Open

PRISM Not as Evil as Once Thought

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 08:43 AM PDT


What we know about the National Security Agency's PRISM Internet surveillance program is in flux, seemingly changing by the hour. If you're just tuning in Sunday and you're looking for our latest understanding of PRISM, this post is for you.

1. Does PRISM really allow the NSA unfettered access to technology company's servers?

This was certainly the impression given by the first reports about PRISM, but it's becoming increasingly clear that it isn't the case. Instead, PRISM now seems to be a system granting intelligence analysts easier access to companies' data when those companies have already been compelled by a secret court to give access to that data. Read more...

More about Privacy, Prism, Us World, Politics, and Us

How to Start Freelancing With No Experience

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 08:15 AM PDT


The freelancing industry enjoyed impressive growth in the past several years.

In 2011, the Financial Times (UK) reported a 12% growth in the number of freelancers from 2008. Popular freelance broker site Elance enjoyed consistent growth in past years, with the number of jobs posted rising from around 200,000 in the first quarter of 2012 to 300,000 in the same period in 2013.

In addition to a more flexible work schedule, freelancers tend to be happy. According to the 2012 Freelance Industry Report, 90% of freelancers are happier now than they were before going solo, and nearly half felt no impact from the economic downturn. Perhaps most tellingly, 77% of freelancers were optimistic about their business prospects over the following 12 months. Read more...

More about Graphic Design, Freelance, Job Search Series, Business, and Jobs

Yahoo Denies Voluntarily Sharing Information With the Government

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 07:33 AM PDT


Yahoo has joined a chorus of Silicon Valley companies posting detailed denials of reports they are voluntarily sharing users' information with the government under a secret program called PRISM.

Yahoo General Counsel Ron Bell posted the following message on the company's Tumblr page Saturday evening:

We want to set the record straight about stories that Yahoo! has joined a program called PRISM through which we purportedly volunteer information about our users to the U.S. government and give federal agencies access to our user databases. These claims are false.

Yahoo! has not joined any program in which we volunteer to share user data with the U.S. government. We do not voluntarily disclose user information. The only disclosures that occur are in response to specific demands. And, when the government does request user data from Yahoo!, we protect our users. We demand that such requests be made through lawful means and for lawful purposes. We fight any requests that we deem unclear, improper, overbroad, or unlawful. We carefully scrutinize each request, respond only when required to do so, and provide the least amount of data possible consistent with the law. Read more...

More about Yahoo, Privacy, Prism, Us World, and Politics

Apple WWDC 2013: What to Expect

Posted: 09 Jun 2013 07:03 AM PDT


In less than 48 hours, the first official Apple event in seven months will be underway. Apple hasn't thrown one of its product parties since the unveiling of the iPad mini back in October, and Monday morning's keynote to kick off its Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) promises no less than a detailed look at the future of the company's two major platforms: iOS and OS X.

Mashable will be live at San Francisco's Moscone Center to report on what happens, but there have been the usual rumors, leaks and speculation that typically lead up to an Apple event. We've examined them all and determined which are solid, and which are suspect. Read more...

More about Iphone, Apple, Wwdc, Macbook Pro, and Ipad

3D Printing Helps Ford Cut Production Time on Some Parts by 25%

Posted: 08 Jun 2013 10:03 PM PDT


Companies are continuing to reap the benefits of 3D printing, a decades-old technology that has increased in popularity over the past few years as the prices of printing machines and materials have come down.

The Wall Street Journal recently took a look at how three major U.S. manufacturers — Ford, GE and Mattel — are using 3D printing to cut costs and production times during the prototyping phase.

Ford uses the technology to print cylinder heads, brake rotors and rear axels for test vehicles. Thanks to 3D printing, production time for one type of cylinder head, used in its fuel-efficient EcoBoost engines, is cut down from four to five months to three, shaving 25% to 40% off production time. Earlier casting methods required that the mold be cut from sand; 3D printing allows Ford to skip the cutting process and pour the metal directly into the molds. Read more...

More about Ford, Mattel, Ge, 3d Printing, and Business

NASA's Largest Rocket Aims for 2017 Test Flight

Posted: 08 Jun 2013 09:43 PM PDT


NASA's largest rocket yet, a vehicle under development called the Space Launch System, is on track for its first test flight in 2017, according to experts who spoke at the Space Tech Expo in Long Beach last month.

The rocket is designed to carry astronauts farther into the solar system than ever before. Meanwhile, NASA plans to leave travel to low-Earth orbit to commercial space companies, which are developing private space taxis to take over the job vacated by the retired space shuttle.

"We started working on Space Launch System concepts 10 years ago," said former astronaut David Leestma, a veteran of three space shuttle missions, who now heads the Technology Transfer and Commercialization Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. "We want to take NASA well beyond the space station. The SLS will be the most powerful rocket ever built, and it will be safe, affordable and sustainable." Read more...

More about Us World, Us, and World

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